Bags Mujer

New Dior »D Light» Bag

¡Feliz día family! Hoy os quiero hablar del nuevo bolso que ha lanzado Dior para esta Primavera-Verano. Coincidiendo con la última Cruise Collection 2015 ha presentado el D Light, un nuevo bolso con aires bastantes primaverales. Su cuerpo está realizado en tela y las asas en piel con lo que ligero será ¡una barbaridad! La razón por la que la firma francesa no haya utilizado su famosa piel de becerro para este bolso es por dotarlo de ligereza. Los dibujos que hay estampados vienen del artista René Gruau, amigo de Christian Dior.

Hay dos maneras de llevarlo, o en la mano o en el hombro y se presenta en dos tamaños (30 y 35 cm de largo). El diseño es precioso, similar al Diorissimo, y se palpa la alta costura pero si tenéis pensado en comprarlo o añadirlo en vuestra wishlist, pensad que su diseño está limitado al verano. Y al ser de tela ¡cuidado con las manchas! Su precio ronda los 1.700 € aproximadamente.

Un beso,



Today I would like to talk to you about the new bag designed by Dior for this Spring-Summer. Coinciding with the last 2015 Collection, Dior has presented the D Light, a new handbag with quite a spring look. It is made of fabric and it has leather handles. Thus, the bag is stylish and extremely light at the same time. The reason why the French brand has not chosen its famous calf leather is precisely to add lightness to the handbag. It is decorated with drawings by the artist René Gruau, Christian Dior friends.

There are two ways of carrying this handbag: you can carry it with your hand or hang it over your shoulder. There are also two different sizes to choose from. The design is gorgeous, similar to the Diorissimo, and you can feel the haute couture. However, if you are thinking of buying it or adding it to your wishlist, take into account that this handbag is for summer only. And be careful with stains; remember that it is made of fabric! Its costs approximately 1,700 €.



Dior D Light Dior D Light Dior D Light
Dior D Light
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